DirtFill Definitions

Compactable Fill - For building pads, driveway or road base, under concrete slabs, etc.
Sand Natural or screened / washed / crushed granular that can be compacted
Sandyclay Contains both sand and clay
Clay Clay that can be compacted
Gravel Natural or screened / washed / crushed rock that can be compacted
Recycled Asphalt Crushed for reuse, from a recycling plant or staging area
Recycled Concrete Crushed for reuse, from a recycling plant or staging area
Recycled Base Material Ready for reuse, from under roads & parking lots
Yard Fill - Expand yard or raise the grade; fill a hole, ravine or pool; build berms, etc.
Clean Fill Sand, sandyclay, clay, topsoil or a mixture of any of these with less than 5% clumps or rocks or sod or roots or weeds or concrete chunks, etc.
Rough Fill Same as Clean Fill, with 5% or more clumps or rocks or sod or roots or weeds, or concrete chunks, etc. Also gumbo clay and marsh bottom.
Topsoil - For sod, grass or planting beds
Topsoil - Nice High quality, rich black organic, natural or screened
Topsoil - Average Average quality, medium black organic, little or no clumps, rocks, sod, or roots, etc.
Topsoil - Economy Low quality, some black organic, could have some clumps, rocks, sod, or roots, etc.
Peat Decomposed plant material, marsh bottom, could be wet or dry
River Rock Rounded stones varies in color, 1/2 inch to 3 inches
Rip-Rap Rock, 3 inches to 10 inches
Boulders Rock, larger than 10 inches
Asphalt Chunks Broken pieces of asphalt, not been recycled
Concrete Chunks Broken pieces of concrete, not been recycled
Contaminated Fill Dirtfill with gas, diesel fuel, PCBs, toxic chemicals, etc.
Snow Removed from streets, parking lots or driveways
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